Our lives have meaning – a poem –

We sit
We think
We cry
We smile
We help
We hurt
We wave
We sigh
And we die

What is the meaning? What’s really real?

Everything has meaning. That girl you smiled at and she simply glanced away? She was going to commit suicide. But then you smiled. She didn’t know how to respond, surprised you might really care. But you saved her life. That dog you saw get hit, that you kissed before it slipped away. It felt your love. Love for the first time in it’s meager little life of sorrow and hunger. Your touch was not in vain.
Listen, you never know the extent of your impact. But Yah does, and He knows your desire to help. Hear this: He sees your secret compassionate tears for your country, your heartbreak for the homeless, your utter joy in that child’s smile.

So smile.

God formed you and molds you. Our each heartbreak He feels and heals. He’s coming again.

So smile.

Yah is into miracles


I’m subscribed to an email list that sends out a different thought/writing every Shabbat/Sabbath & wanted to share this one with y’all. The Author’s website is http://www.keepit7.wordpress.com

Yahuwah gives miracles. He performs them for our joy and benefit! And he does this every day. Sometimes in our great rush and fury, we miss it. We overlook a “small” miracle. This is tragic. Often when we need Yah most, we shove Him aside- “Not now, God, can’t talk. I have problems. I don’t have time!” (What?!?!?!?!?)

I know I do it.

He is here to solve our problems, or bring us through them, but He has given us freedom of choice, which means we have to accept His help. Elohim watches over His own. All we have to do is trust Him!

Remember, Shalom is not the superficial peace the world promotes, but a deep inner peace and harmony “in the battle”.

“He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many against me.”
Psalm 55:18
My point is this: Yah will work in our lives, whatever is going on in them, good or bad. He has done many miracles in my own life, Including a huge one this week. Actually every day is a miracle, since he gives us life; we could not breathe without Him.

So praise Him! Praise the name of Yah! He will glory, He will conquer the evil one! His Truth will never be undefended, and His people will never be alone.


– audacious gardener


Yah loves you & so do I!

-Yah’s girl



Yup. Miracles DO happen.

Most Bible-believers agree that the Messiah, Yahusha, performed miracles. But we don’t usually think about the fact that His true believers today should be performing miracles too. (As well as prophesying, but that’s another story. See Joel.) Through His power, of course. Just look up ‘miracle’ in the Bible. Also see miracleS Below are a few of the verses you will find…


We see here that not all believers perform miracles. But I have a feeling we believers now-a-days ought to be seein’ a bit more of this type of thing.

Of course, Yhwh doesn’t need humans to work miracles, although He does use us. He does plenty of miracles every day-if we’ll just think a moment and see them.

He makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

He makes the flowers bloom, gives the birds life, gives us life, and keeps the earth stable under our feet.

He brings the summer in it’s time, and He gave us an inventive brain. He keeps us considerably healthy (for the world we live in).

Yes, I know it sounds like I’m just listing things to be thankful for. And yes, I am. But these things are all miracles.

Now I want to tell you a (true!) story… a miracle story. 😀

“Was lost (even though I didn’t know it) but now I’m found” –The chicken

My family has chickens.

Over 7 days ago now, I heard squawking over in their pen. Were they okay? Finally I checked on them.. We could only count 13 chickens- there should have been 14. Last year, a fox took the lives of about 3, so after we didn’t find the missing hen, we supposed she had also succombed to this fate. Especially after we saw a fox in our road. (Note: We took precautions for the remaining birds.)

However, we still had hope. We’d read about a lady who’s chicken went missing and returned in spring- after being gone months. (WOW!!) But what were the chances?

My brother and I were herding a stray rooster back into my Grandma’s pen, when I looked over at the feeder.. “Um, Does Grammie have a black chicken?” “no…” “I think… is that...Amelia??” (We name all our chickens.)

It was! After about 5 days -during which it was snowing and raining- our lost hen had returned. She was safe! HalleluYah! My brother watched her for a while, and saw that she went back to our Grammie’s fenced-in garden. Soon we followed her. She had a reason for being gone. A motherly mission.

She was nesting on 19 little green eggs.

We moved her to safety- but she basically refused to set on the eggs anywhere but where she had laid them. “They’re not in the garden, they’re not my chicks!” Needless to say, she’s back in the garden. With another fence around her- we gotta help how we can!  (Ah, a chicken’s brain!)

We again have 14 chickens- always did during this time, just didn’t know it. (Praise Yahuah!) Plz pray the eggs hatch & she’s safe in her perhaps ill-chosen haven. 🙂 That will be another miracle!

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So yup, miracles happen. 


Shalom & Simcha chaim! (peace & happy life!-Hebrew)

-Yah’s girl