Why would ANYONE be ‘Vaccine-hesitant’?


At 1,263 words, this isn’t my shortest post ever. Yet, I believe it is important enough for you to read through. I guess I’ve hesitated to write on this topic for some time. I knew it is a very controversial subject. Maybe even hush-hush in some circles.. But mainly, I needed more research under my belt.

And I have acquired some more information. Either way however, I have had enough. Too many lies. Too much deception. Vaccinations is something we must do something about. And I’ve learned that first-hand.

Indeed, perhaps there is a reason hundreds – maybe thousands – of American men and women have refused to let vaccines be administered to their children.

Perhaps there is a reason for the sequence of events; A beautiful baby boy is born, gets a vaccination, and within days, months – or even hours – later, he gets sick. And then he grows up, autistic. Or, more rare, but still possible, he dies. Beautiful baby gone. (So we blame it on sids.)


Or maybe this little baby boy doesn’t get vaccinated for a few years after his birth, or receives them but does not have any adverse reactions to them. He then could receive the problematic vaccine at, say, the age of two years. There is the possibility that he will then regress. For example, if he was already talking, whether or not he had ever been vaccinated, he could now lose his vocabulary. It’s happened many times over. Far too many for you and I to ignore.

Of course, not every child who ‘gets their shot’ will contract a disease. But will we recognize that there is that risk? If you go a buffet for Dinner, and your waiter notifies you that most of the food has mercury and perhaps other problematic substances added to them, but adds; “Don’t worry, only 10% or so of the people who eat here have reactions to to the food, and only half that percentage die.”, would you feel comfortable eating there? Worse yet, would you tell all your friends and family to go there, also forcing your young children to eat there for their own safety?

Of course, it is fair to take into consideration that some things harm only specific people, like peanut butter, or pollen. I agree we don’t need to outlaw these. But there is a big difference between consuming ground peanuts (Grown in dirt; natural) versus consuming liquid metal (Perhaps harvested in the earth, but possibly manipulated, and definitely from the wrong side of the laboratory). Please tell me you would warn everyone you did or did not know against this restaurant, and would try to get it shut down!

I want to share a few videos of children affected by vaccines, many of them babies.

There are so many stories, I had to just pick a few. There are many videos like the following on the web. Plus, I’m sure not every child’s story is even published.

Luke- autism & beyond

Drew: before/after vaccination

Madison’s tale

One Mom researched before she even gave birth…

And the percentage of people with autism is growing.

How many by 2032?



How has this affected me, as I mentioned earlier? Well…

It (Autism; adverse reactions) doesn’t stop with people. When you go in to have your pet fixed, whether to be spayed or neutered, at least in my state, the rabies vaccine is mandatory. And since my family is crazy about caring for the animal world, we often foster drop-offs, and foster pups in need from our local shelter. And we don’t think it’s fair to the animals to have 10 litters of offspring, half-starved themselves. So we get them fixed.

At least we used to. But not any more; not until the rabies vaccine is no longer mandatory.

On the way home from a long trip, we saw two kittens in the woods. We pulled over and caught them. One got a home within a month or so, but the other -who we named Fannie Fae- simply didn’t. Finally, when Fannie was old enough, we took her to the Veterinary to be spayed/fixed, along with a second kitty, Dot. When we took them home, we put them in a cage for a few days for their recovery. We didn’t really notice anything ‘off’ since animals are always a bit drowsy after this type of surgery.

Once we let her out, after two or three days, she played some, coming over to where we were busy at. However, during the next few days, she declined, to the point that she wouldn’t get out of bed, unless, maybe if we took her out.

Quite concerned, we took her back to the Vet’s. After stating it could not be the vaccine (“I’ve never heard of that.”), the Veterinarian said something along the lines of; “…Sometimes it so happens that an animal can be just fine before the surgery, but the stress of it all gets their system whacked, and what’s been under the surface arises. It could be a viral infection. You may want to leave her here for a few days, we could give her antibiotics…It would cost around $200-$300…” The problem is, my Grandmother who accompanied us (and was a Registered Nurse for many years) knew full well that you don’t give antibiotics for a viral infection. And we just weren’t about to, in our mind, pump our ‘little butterfly’ full of chemicals again.

The Vet’s helper told us “It’s just like when your child gets a vaccination. He might have a reaction, but nothing much.” Well, I half agree. It is like giving a child a vaccine, but that may lead to something a bit more than “a reaction”. So we went down to the health food store.

We gave her a lot of homeopathic medicine, but apparently not in time. She slowly became paralyzed, scarcely being able to move her back legs. It kinda felt quick rather than slow, as we helped her walk down the hall, “exercising” the little Fannie that had never needed much help to run after acorns in the yard. On january 7, she died in her sleep. I am thankful to Yahuah that I had kissed her darling little head 7 times the night before.

However, she she did NOT die in vain. We have started a petition, aimed at Merial, the company that manufactures the rabies vaccine she received. 783 have signed. Will you help us get to 1,000? It IS possible.

Fannie Fae’s Gallery- From health to bed rest.


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Please consider donating!- a dear friend is starting a shelter is memory of Fannie!

Petitioning Head of Merial – Merial Pharmaceutical Company Stop Injuring Innocent Pets With Toxic Drugs

I am VERY thankful to all of you who have signed our petition!! HalleluYah! 


For more info., I recommend the following videos.

vaxxed (trailer)

official website/how to watch vaxxed

Very good video-10 FACTS VACCINE COMPANIES Don’t Want You to Know !!!

Silent Epidemic:The Untold Story of Vaccines – Full Movie – Directed by Gary Null

& Lastly, a series…

The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series – Episode 1 | Robert F. Kennedy Jr Interview | Smallpox Vaccine

Speaking of this, I highly recommend the related docu-series, The Truth About Cancer, TTAC.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (HalleluYah!). I am not a doctor or nurse or anything licensed. Do not rely on the information provided herein. As well, I am not aiming in this article to show both sides completely, but rather some information from my point of view, the ‘anti-dangerous-vaccine’ view or ‘Pro-choice’ view. Please refer to the Internet for more information pro-vaccine or simply more info altogether. May it be your choice.

Shalom, y’all!

-Yah’s girl

9 thoughts on “Why would ANYONE be ‘Vaccine-hesitant’?

  1. The story of Tyler (video) really saddens me. I know adults who think they have Asperger’s and are on the autism spectrum–one even asked me if I was on it!–because she’s convinced that she and her husband and their two kids have Asperger’s. There is stuff with vaccines and in processed foods that is leading to all of this influx of autism.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey! Really appreciate you reading this post! Would love a share. 🙂 It’s really sad the way America’s health is going, especially for innocent kids. I’m glad you strive to be informed.
      Yah’s girl

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My parents and I suspect my aunt was disabled by vaccines. She was developing normally and began walking – until she got a vaccine. She’s in a wheelchair.
    One of my younger brothers was the only one in my immediate family to get vaccinated as a baby – and he’s the only one with epilepsy.
    The result: haven’t taken vaccines in years.

    Liked by 1 person

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